Have you set a New Year’s resolution this year?  I read an article yesterday that said this year, like every year, the most common resolution is to lose weight.  Is that your goal too?


I am not going to tell you how to lose weight – you already know the answer to that, and it doesn’t lie in fad diets, sensible, moderated, healthy eating plus exercise is what will get you longterm results.  What I am going to do is help you maintain the self discipline to achieve your goal by sending you a copy of John’s best seller, Life is for Living and by emailing you twice a week over 10 weeks from January 1st.  These emails will inspire you to stay on track and include tips and suggestions to help you maintain your focus.  When the ten weeks is up you should be seeing positive results and have learnt enough about discipline to enable you to continue on to achieve, and maintain, your ideal weight.

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